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Indlondlo Zulu Dancers

Indlondlo Zulu Dancers

About Indlondlo Zulu Dancers.

Indlondlo Zulu Dancers is a Non- Profit Organisations (151- 983 NPO) that performs and educate Cultural Dances in the rural areas of the Valley of 1000 Hills/ KwaNyavu / Mkhambathini and surrounding areas. This group is made of executive management, administrators and performers. The group was established in 2010 through gathering young boys together and perform the Zulu dance (ukusina) and by the time goes, warrior dance (indlamu) was introduced. Seeing that warrior dance is much loved by lots of people, we opted to concentrate and promote it extensively.

We were at that time, just performing and never thought of establishing a professional cultural dance group. That was until Mr Msizeni Mngadi, the founder of Indlondlo Zulu Dancers decided to have different structures and set up the uniform and all other needed dance materials such as drums and sticks and the attire. We started entering competitions, playing for free entertainment which was and still is,our strong point – doing this for the love of it not necessarily for compensation at the end.

This grew within us, and we committed to keep the team growing and composed more styles of dance and songs. We received more followers and started receiving invitations to perform at weddings and traditional ceremonies etc… Mr Mngadi then started thinking about all that the group can achieve in educating the youth about our culture and the dance. That is where he decided to register the group as an NPO in order to run work professionally and start engaging government departments and other professional cultural organisations.

The group then was registered in April 2015 under Department of Social Development as Indlondlo Zulu Dancers, Arts and Cultural Centre (IZDACC) of which now we are working hard to market and get more involved in cultural activities that are taking place in and outside the country. Most of all, is the project that we have established in teaching and educating about the Zulu culture and the Zulu dance including warrior dance.

Indlondlo Zulu Dancers

Objectives of Indlondlo Zulu Dancers:


  • To have direct impact on youth education in cultural activities.
  • To teach and instil respect of one another to young and old.
  • To establish youth development program in all arts.
  • To promote social activities that keeps youth away from bad influential substances
  • To educate youth about the importance of education.
  • To educate about negativity of dropping off from school.
  • To educate about disadvantages of teenage pregnancy.
  • To encourage youth to live positive life with good purposes and dreams.
  • To create jobs for our people in the community and exchange our traditional outfits with other nations.
  • To promote our culture by organizing Festival and Award Ceremonies to show the importance of our tradition and customs.
  • To create means of Cultural Village to welcome people from around the world to experience warmth that we possess in our country.

Mission Statement:

We aim at bringing about change in the manner in which today’s youth look at cultural and yester-years activities. Traditional dances and related activities are perceived as barbaric by certain youth, and we want to change that, let them see the value of keeping our history alive.


We want to be the global brand that represents Africa and it’s culture of diverse tribes and nationalities.

History on INDLAMU

It is derived as a war dance from the time of King Shaka, who became a Leader of the Zulu Nation in 1816. During the Anglo-Zulu war, the war dances helped inspire men as they were to begin their Long barefoot marches to battle.

Indlamu dance in Zulu culture was and still is used as an important factor in maintaining a sense of Group solidarity. This Traditional male Warrior dance shows off muscular strength and mastery of weapons in mock combat. The dance exemplifies Zulu cultural beliefs in Competition, stamina and Power.

High kick and stomping , dancers formed straight line. South Africans Zulus are known for their foot stomping movements that sends dust flying and create a resonating force that can be felt through the ground.

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Indlondlo Zulu Dancers

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Zululand Accommodation Indlondlo Cultural Village

INDLONDLO CULTURAL VILLAGE Number 8 Ophokweni, Cato Ridge, 3680
8JQW+99 Cato Ridge