Dear Friend of Indlondlo Zulu Dancers..????
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Indlondlo Zulu Dancers, Cultural and Art Centre (Reg. 151- 983NPO) was formed in 2010 and officially registered in April 2015 in South Africa. It is commonly known as INDLONDLO ZULU DANCERS to its supporters and clients.

Our organization, which specializes in preserving and strengthening Zulu culture through dance and art, is located in the Nyavu location in the Valley of 1000 Hills, Mkhambathini, just near Cato Ridge, South Africa. We have had the opportunity to share our performances with groups locally and overseas. As a result, we have received numerous requests to provide additional education about Zulu dance and culture. These requests have made us realize that we need to build a cultural village to share the beauty and the spirt of what have been able to build in our organization. We hope to raise funds for an educational centre where we can demonstrate our culture and heritage. Our main objective is to educate young people about our culture through the mediums of traditional dance, music, food, beadwork, games, and more. We will additionally invite tourists to gain insight into Zulu culture and life. We hope that this centre will not only serve as a site where we can educate the world about our culture’s beauty, but also to stimulate our own economy through the creation of new jobs, initiatives, and opportunities. Thank you very much for your support — every contribution goes a long way in making our dream of turning our dream of a cultural centre into a reality!